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We are a verbatim theatre company.

We formed Snippet after graduating from Goldsmiths University in 2014. We came together through a mutual interest in verbatim. What excites us about verbatim is, firstly, the way its documentary style and realistic theatricality can transport an audience to the exact moment of an event, situation or conversation. And secondly, that it has the unique ability to engage with communities and raise real people's voices to the stage.

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Snippet Theatre’s bold and exciting verbatim work is worth watching out for.
— A Younger Theatre
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New projects

We are always on the lookout for interesting stories that need to be heard or voices that deserved to be raised. If you have something you think the world needs to hear, then GET IN TOUCH!


Mood Kill on the BBC



We are thrilled that BBC London News has run a feature on Mood Kill, mental health and the importance of talking. 


It takes everyone to deconstruct the stigma around mental health. We all need to be more sensitive about listening and offering people the space to talk. And we all need to feel more empowered to be able to talk and seek those spaces. 


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